
Monday 12 July 2010

Pedophile Symbols

REPORT: Pedophiles Use Ganglike Symbols To Identify Their Taste in Children

Pedophiles are mimicking the behavior of inner-city violent gangs. They use distinct, seemingly-innocuous symbols to communicate who they are, their preferences in children–boy, girl or baby–and to designate safe havens.
They don’t use the red or black or blue of their more violent brethren. Their markers have soft hues of blue, pink or a combination of both.
They don’t use bandannas or baggy pants. Satisfaction and safety come in the forms of hearts, butterflies and triangles.
Their names speak of brightness, happiness even: “Blogo”, “Glogo” and “Chlogo”. What they represent for both the predator and their prey is sober and haunting.
The above illustration is a sample of a pamphlet available at a European site which serves as a sort of clearinghouse and Internet meeting place for pedophiles and those espousing a “child love” lifestyle. The site is hosted in one of the Benelux countries–Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg–and offers a variety of services to it’s users.
In researching this story, we slogged through some dark and disturbing places that served as hang-outs for equally disturbed people. The trips to sites catering to pedophiles could not be avoided: the FBI documents provided no graphics of these sad and sickening symbols, only descriptions.
We went through thousands of symbols on hundreds of search pages looking for them initially. Google “blogo” and it’s discovered that there are over six and a half million references. After 40 pages of symbols, the searcher would still would still be searching. The same result would be had after 70 pages.
Later we learned that “GLogo” worked much better and “BLogo” only had 642 possible pictures. One example was found at Boy Chat.org. It’s displayed prominently on the site, a “boylovers who need a forum for boy love chat and discussion”. It was one of the more subdued sites we visited.
BoyChat.org also offers a BoyWiki. At first, the site was exited without knowing what types of information the BoyWiki contained. After some thought, the site was re-entered. One doesn’t have to be squeamish to be thankful the BoyWiki was off-line at that time.
We felt it was important for parents and children alike to know what these logos look like. There are three child pornographer’s signs; each is used to designate the bearer’s taste in boys, girls or babies.
Pedophiles and those who “produce, distribute, and trade child pornography use special logos to identify sexual preferences according to an internal FBI document. The document, “Symbols and Logos Used By Pedophiles” was found on Spanish “childhood erotica” networks by Wikileaks.
Wikileaks.org is a website that purportedly allows whistle blowers to anonymously release government and corporate documents, allegedly without possible retribution.
Wikileaks obtained the document via Spanish “childhood erotica” networks. According to Wikileaks, the unclassified parts of the document were only briefly published by the Ann Arbor, Michigan police department in a newsletter, which was later removed from the Internet.
Three “logos” or “symbols” were mentioned:
The first logo, ‘The BoyLover logo’ (BLogo) “is a small blue spiral-shaped triangle surrounded by a larger triangle, whereby the small triangle represents a small boy and the larger triangle represents an adult man. A variation of the BLogo is the Little Boy Lover logo (LBLogo), which also embodies a small spiral-shaped triangle within a larger triangle; however, the corners of the LBLogo are rounded to resemble a scribbling by a young child,” said the document.

The second logo, ‘The GirlLover logo’ (GLogo) is “a small heart surrounded by a larger heart, which symbolizes a relationship between an adult male or female and minor girl,” the document stated.
The last logo, ‘The ChildLover logo’ (CLogo), “resembles a butterfly and represents non-preferential gender child abusers,” added the document.

These are the symbols. We saw illustrations of necklaces, bracelets, and stickers featuring these calling cards of pedophilia. They are all well-known in the world in which they are used. If you have children and see someone wearing one, perhaps as a necklace, take notice.
They serve as a symbol of sickness for the bearer.
But they also serve as a warning for the knowing.

by Little Baby Ginn and Mondoreb
NOTE: This report could have easily been three or four times its length. However, after discussion, it was decided that the primary purpose of this report was to inform and publicize these symbols, especially to parents and children.
Any additional information would have only illustrated depravity and sickness. Most people we know would have a better day without the knowledge. Some may think that is not being a good reporter; that somehow the public wouldn’t be served without their knowing it.
If anyone is curious or desires more information, they will be able to do the research on their own. The links and pictures in this story will get them started. We’ve put this subject away.
We delayed and finally, hurried to finish the story. We had no visions of journalistic excellence; only visions of a long shower.
We’d had enough of that shadowy, forlorn world, with its innocent-looking hearts and butterflies in soft, delicate pastels, to do us for a long, long while.

Τα σύμβολα και τα λογότυπα των παιδόφιλων - SIMBOLOS DE PEDOFILOS -Pedophilia Symbols

Δευτέρα, 12 Ιουλίου 2010
Επανερχόμαστε, επειδή το θέμα είναι πολύ σοβαρό.
Όλοι πρέπει να ξέρουμε για να προστατεύουμε τα χαμομηλάκια αποτελεσματικά.
Ας είναι στα ισπανικά, όλοι καταλαβαίνουμε πολύ καλά...
Παρακαλούμε να το διαδώσετε, έστω και χωρίς αναφορά στη σελίδα μας

Τα σύμβολα πιο συγκεκριμένα είναι:
Το BLogo, «boylover» που συμβολίζεται από δύο μπλε τρίγωνα, το ένα μέσα στο άλλο, σε σπειροειδή μορφή, και υποδηλώνει την προτίμηση στα αγόρια.

Το LBLogo, «littleboylover», που συμβολίζεται από ένα παρόμοιο σχέδιο του Blogo, χωρίς γωνίες, και υποδηλώνει την προτίμηση στα μικρά αγόρια.

Το Glogo, «Girllover», που συμβολίζεται από δύο καρδιές η μία μέσα στην άλλη και υποδηλώνει την προτίμηση στα κορίτσια.

Το Clogo, «Childlover», που συμβολίζεται από μια πεταλούδα που τα φτερά της έχουν σχήμα καρδιάς και υποδηλώνει την προτίμηση και στα δύο φύλα.

ΖΑΧΟΣ ΜΟΥΛΙΝΟΣ (Πηγή ethnos.gr Φ.5/9/2009)
Boletim do FBI, sobre os símbolos de PEDOFILIA – 
É bom ficar atento. Email enviado por Mychele Lima
Símbolos e logotipos usados por pedófilos
para identificar suas preferências sexuais

Este boletim aborda  Crimes Contra Crianças requisitos estabelecidos contidos no documento FBI-Q-2200-005-06, HRWC CAC-VI.A.5.
Este documento aponto os pedófilos, que abusam sexualmente de crianças, bem como aquele que produzem, distribuem e comércializam material de pornografia infantil. Essas pessoas estão utilizando vários tipos de identificação, logotipos ou símbolos para reconhecer e distinguir entre si suas tendências sexuais. Para indicar especificamente o sexo preferido do pedófilo entre os membros de organizações de pedofilia.

Incentivam a utilização de designações como ‘boylove’, ‘girllove’, e ‘childlove.’ Estes símbolos foram gravados em anéis e pingentes e também foram encontrados impressos em moedas.
- BoyLover – O logotipo (BLogo) é um pequeno espiral em forma de triângulo azul rodeado por um triângulo maior, em que o pequeno triângulo representa uma criança do sexo masculino e o triangulo maior representa um adulto. Uma variação do BLogo é o Little Boy Lover logotipo (LBLogo), que também é representado por um pequeno espiral em forma de triângulo dentro de um triângulo maior, porém os cantos do LBLogo são arredondados para assemelhar-se a um rabisco de uma criança. 
O logotipo GirlLover (GLogo) é um pequeno coração cercado por um coração maior, que simboliza uma relação entre um adulto do sexo masculino ou feminino e crinça do sexo feminino.
O ChildLover lembra uma borboleta e representa os abusadores que não fazem distinção de sexo.
A Logomarca de Mídia On-line Childlove Ativismo Logotipo (CLOMAL), é uma marca utilizada pelas pessoas que utilizam mídia on-line, como os blogs e websites.
FBI fez investigações em váripáginas de internet e têm descoberto vários símbolos utilizados por pedófilos para divulgar sua atração doentia pelas crianças. Após uma apreensão de um computador de um sujeito em um caso de investigação de Imagens Inocentes, na Divisão Jacksonville, a Equipe de Investigação  Forense teve acesso a um símbolo que pouco familiar que foi integrado em um Web site chamado ‘ATBOYS.COM, onde o’ A ‘em’ ATBOYS ‘ foi identificado como sendo o simbolo BoyLove escrito da seguinte forma: TBOYS.com. Foi ainda descoberto neste site que ‘ATBOYS’ é um acrônimo para Atraídos por Pedofilia Boys. Estes símbolos também aparecem na Web sites como um dos banners de publicidade www.boylover.net.
Em outro incidente  em Sacramento, o FBI foi alertado pelo Ministério de Justiça da Califórnia sobre uma estranha marcação numa moeda. A investigação concluiu que o BoyLover logotipo (BLogo), foi impresso na parte da frente da moeda, ea frase ‘Kids Love Pedos’ foi gravada na parte de trás. O aparecimento do BLogo em moedas é outro método utilizado pelos pedófilos para anunciar as suas preferências sexuais.
Símbolos de Pedofilia em jóias, moedas, Web sites e outros efeitos são indicativos de métodos de Anúncio utilizados predadores sexuais de crianças para promover sua causa. Os ativistas  da Pedófilia advogam para a aceitação social das relações sexuais entre adultos e crianças. Estas organizações procuram decriminalizar as relações sexuais entre adultos e crianças e para legalizar a pornografia infantil com base em sua crença de que as crianças têm a capacidade de consentimento para atos sexuais. Jóias idênticas ou semelhantes e símbolos, como descrito neste boletim inteligência devem levantar suspeita de pedofilia e possível atividade quando encontrado durante as buscas.
JÓIAS Os pesquisadores devem também estar atentos aos símbolos pedofilia publicitados em Web sites. Durante Exames de arquivos do computador, os investigadores devem estar conscientes dos indivíduos que tentam dissimular a pornografia infantil pela marcação com símbolos em vez dos nomes típicos sugestivos.
Quanto ao mais, irmãos, tudo o que é verdadeiro, tudo o que é honesto, tudo o que é justo, tudo o que é puro, tudo o que é amável, tudo o que é de boa fama, se há alguma virtude, e se há algum louvor, nisso pensai.(Filipenses 04:08)
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GetAttachment.aspx (3)

GetAttachment.aspx (2)


Μμμμμ... η μανούλα έφτιαξε μαρμελάδα βερίκοκο!!
Apricot Jam

* 2 κιλά βερίκοκα γινωμένα
* 1 1/2 κιλό ζάχαρη
* 1 λεμόνι(το χυμό)
* Πλένουμε τα βερίκοκα, αφαιρούμε το κουκούτσι και τα κόβουμε σε μικρά κομμάτια. 
* Σε μια κατσαρόλα τοποθετούμε σε στρώσεις βερίκοκα και ζάχαρη εναλλάξ και το αφήνουμε όλο το βράδυ. 
* Την επομένη βράζουμε σε μέτρια φωτιά , ανακατεύουμε συνεχώς αλλά και  ξαφρίζουμε κατά διαστήματα. 
* Προς το τέλος προσθέτουμε και το λεμόνι. 

Η μαρμελάδα μας είναι έτοιμη όταν το μείγμα γυαλίζει και ξεκολλά από την κατσαρόλα. 
Ένας καλός τρόπος για να διαπιστώσουμε πόσο σφικτή ή όχι θα είναι η μαρμελάδα μπορούμε να βάλουμε λίγη  σ’ ένα πιατάκι και να το δούμε γιατί όταν κρυώσει δένει περισσότερο. 
Μοιράζουμε τη μαρμελάδα σε αποστειρωμένα βάζα όσο είναι ζεστή. 
Τα σφραγίζουμε και τα αφήνουμε αναποδογυρισμένα μέχρι να κρυώσουν. 
Η μαρμελάδα διατηρείται σε δροσερό μέρος.

Ηράκλειο: Ο φίλος της βίασε τη 12χρονη κόρη της
Μαγνησία: 63χρονος προσπάθησε να ασελγήσει σε βάρος ανηλίκου

Έβαλε το λύκο να φυλάει τα… πρόβατα. 
Ο λόγος για μία νεαρή Ρουμάνα, η οποία εμπιστεύθηκε τη φύλαξη της 12χρονης κόρης της στα χέρια του 38χρονου συντρόφου της από τη Μολδαβία. 

Όπως έγινε γνωστό, η γυναίκα έπρεπε να πάει στην εργασία της και έτσι ζήτησε από το φίλο της να αναλάβει για κάποιες ώρες το παιδί. Αυτός δέχθηκε με μεγάλη προθυμία.
Όταν η μητέρα επέστρεψε στο σπίτι και βρέθηκε μόνη με τη 12χρονη, η τελευταία έδειχνε να έχει περίεργη συμπεριφορά, γεγονός που την παραξένεψε. 

Η ίδια έπεσε από τα… σύννεφα όταν το παιδί τής εκμυστηρεύτηκε όσα αρρωστημένα του έκανε ο 38χρονος.
Χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη η νεαρή Ρουμάνα πήγε στην Αστυνομία όπου κατήγγειλε τον σύντροφό της για την σεξουαλική κακοποίηση της κόρης της. 

Σύμφωνα με τον Αστυνομικό Διευθυντή Ηρακλείου, ταξίαρχο Γιάννη Μεσοδιακάκη, ο Μολδαβός ομολόγησε την πράξη του και ζήτησε συγνώμη.
Η κατηγορία που αντιμετωπίζει είναι σε βαθμό κακουργήματος και χθες παραπέμφθηκε στην ανακρίτρια.
από inout

Σοκ έχει προκαλέσει στη Μαγνησία η είδηση ότι 63χρονος προσπάθησε να ασελγήσει σε βάρος ανήλικου αγοριού.
Η οικογένεια του 12χρονου αγοριού κατήγγειλε ότι 63χρονος άνδρα που είχαν πολύ φιλικές σχέσεις προσπάθησε να ασελγήσει εις βάρος του γιου τους.
Λόγω της εμπιστοσύνης που είχε αναπτυχθεί μεταξύ τους, η γιαγιά του παιδιού έδωσε τον εγγονό της στον 63χρονο, για να τον πάει με το αυτοκίνητό του σε κοντινό χωριό, για να παίξει με ηλεκτρονικά παιχνίδια.

Σύμφωνα με τα όσα καταγγέλλει η οικογένεια του παιδιού, ο άνδρας σταμάτησε το αυτοκίνητο σε ερημική τοποθεσία και προσπάθησε να ασελγήσει στο μικρό παιδί.

Το παιδί αντιστάθηκε και όταν γύρισε στο σπίτι, διηγήθηκε έντρομο στους δικούς του αυτά που συνέβησαν. Η οικογένεια, έτρεξε αμέσως στο τμήμα Αλμυρού και έκανε την καταγγελία.
Ο 63χρονος συνελήφθη και αντιμετωπίζει την κατηγορία της παράνομης βίας και της προσβολής γενετήσιας αξιοπρέπειας.
