Friday 23 March 2007

Το χαστούκι πλήττει την ευφυία των παιδιών - Child abuse, it is never OK

Ένα χτύπημα με την παλάμη στα μαλακά μόρια του παιδιού, ενδέχεται να προκαλέσει κάτι πολύ περισσότερο από δάκρυα. Μπορεί να μειώσει τον δείκτη ευφυίας του, σύμφωνα με τον Αυστραλό κοινωνιολόγο Μάρι Στράους. 

Έχοντας ως δείγμα 800 παιδιά, ηλικιών από 2 έως και 4 χρόνων, μελέτησε την επίδραση του ξύλου στα απείθαρχα παιδιά και συμπέρανε ότι εκείνα, που δέχονταν χτυπήματα από τους γονείς τους, είχαν δείκτη ευφυίας, πέντε βαθμούς χαμηλότερο από τα άλλα, που δεν υποβαλλόταν σ' αυτήν την μέθοδο επιβολής πειθαρχίας. 
Σε παιδιά ηλικιών από 5 έως και 9 χρόνων, που πήραν μέρος στην ίδια έρευνα, διαπιστώθηκε ότι το ξύλο μείωνε το IQ τους κατά 2,8 βαθμούς.
Ο Μάρι Στράους δήλωσε ότι το αποτέλεσμα της έρευνάς του έχει μεγάλη σημασία για τη φυσιολογική ανάπτυξη των παιδιών όλου του κόσμου. Αλλά και η ψυχολόγος δρ. Τζούντιθ Κέννεντι, από το Σίδνεϋ, υποστήριξε ότι, ενώ ένα ελαφρό χτύπημα στα οπίσθια -σε αραιά διαστήματα- δεν αναμένεται να έχει τραυματική επίδραση στο παιδί, το συχνό ξύλο έχει σίγουρα βλαβερά αποτελέσματα, τόσο στην εξυπνάδα, όσο και στον χαρακτήρα του.


Child abuse, it is never OK

It's our misfortune that every day there are children living hungry, neglected, sexually exploited, feeling unloved and fearful and the sad reality is that child abuse is severely underreported. Even if abuse has been reported victims almost never speak of their abuse for fear of retaliation. Child abuse refers to any form of physical, psychological, social, emotional or sexual maltreatment of a child.

Types of Child Abuse:
Neglect: Not giving the child what they need to develop is a kind of neglect. It can hurt the child both emotionally and physically. 

A parent or a guardian is neglecting a child when they:
  • don't make them feel loved, wanted, safe and worthy
  • don't let them see a doctor or take personal care of themselves
  • don't intervene when the child is at risk of harm
  • deny them an education
  • deny food, clothing and shelter, even though they can afford to provide them
  • leave the child alone at home too often. Parents are responsible for watching over their children until they are at least 16.
Emotional: Emotional maltreatment is all about attacking on Child's sense of self-worth, insults, isolation, rejection, unrealistic expectations or constant criticism. The law also considers children at risk of emotional abuse if they live in situations of family violence.  

Emotional abuse includes:
  • Isolating a child.
  • Intimidating or terrorizing a child.
  • Exploiting a child.
  • Making unreasonable demands.
Physical: physical abuse means causing physical harm on a child's body single time or repeatedly. Often parents punish their child physically in order to discipline however sometimes this results to permanent disability.  

Some examples of child abuse:?

  • Shaking, choking, biting, kicking or burning a child

  • Handling a child roughly when helping them with dressing and going to the bathroom

  • Using force or restraint in any other harmful way

  • Sexual: When any adult uses a child for sexually purpose forcefully, it refers to sexual abuse. Its really sad to note that child sexual abuse is increasing rapidly in our society.
    • touching and kissing a child's breasts or genitals
    • inviting the child to touch someone else sexually
    • having sex with a child family member
    • forcing a child into prostitution or pornography.
    We can all protect child from harm by identifying and recognizing the signs of abuse as mostly children fear to say their problem. If you suspect a child is a victim of abuse or neglect, report your concerns to Child Protection at the Department of Social Development as soon as possible. You do not need proof.

    Signs of Abuse:
    • Child has physical cut marks.
    • Change in behavior.
    • Problem in walking or sitting.
    • Child prefers to be alone.
    • Child is in depression.
    • Child is not interested in playing or making friends.
    • Child is suffering from chronic untreated illness.
    Sometime child takes the courage and speaks about the abuse, you should handle the situation very intelligently. You should stay calm, listen to them carefully in a caring manner. Never act like you are shocked or upset about the matter. And the most important never blame the child.
    DO NOT
    • probe for details
    • promise the parents will understand
    • make promises you can't keep
    • say you won't tell anybody
    • report the disclosure immediately to Social Development
    • offer your support
    • tell about helpful services
    Tips for Parents: Children depend on their parents to grow up safely. With growing age they come across many difficult things and needs your help to understand. So always be supportive and talk to your child.
    1. Participate with your child in any activity of their choice.
    2. Keep an eye on changes in the behavior of your child.
    3. Speak to them.
    4. Support them at every juncture of their life.
    5. Never hit your child and always show your love and care.
    6. Talk to your children about their bodies. Explain to them what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and how to get help when required.
    Reporting: To report child abuse is your responsible duty and you should realize that. As soon as child reveals abuse to you, contact your local police or your local child welfare agency. And even if you come across any reasonable grounds to suspect abuse, report it immediately. Delay in report will increase the threat and risk for the victim.

    Remember, there is always help out there, and it is never too late to get help. All you have to do is speak up.

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