Δεν έχει σημασία εάν το παρακάτω κείμενο το έγραψε ο Charlie Chaplin
ή η Kim McMillan. Το περιεχόμενό του είναι εξαιρετικό!!
Charlie Chaplin – as I began to love myself
As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.
As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.
As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.
As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.
As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.
As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.
As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.
We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!
Almost every word of this text resonates with me. I find it very special and very wise.
I never thought that I’d be writing a post based on Charlie Chaplin, but I am. I’ve been very surprised to find that he’s said and written some impressive stuff.
Firstly, I found some text (poem?) that he supposedly wrote on his 70th birthday, although there is some disagreement about this and some people say [this turned out to be so wrong – see the comments at the bottom] that it was actually a translation of text from the book “When I Loved Myself Enough” by Kim & Alison McMillen. I don’t really care what the origin of this text is, I found it very poignant and moving for me.
OΤΑΝ ΑΡΧΙΣΑ ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΩ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά, μπόρεσα να καταλάβω ότι ο συναισθηματικός πόνος και η θλίψη απλώς με προειδοποιούσαν να μη ζω κόντρα στην αλήθεια μου.
Σήμερα ξέρω ότι αυτό το λέμε Αυθεντικότητα.
OΤΑΝ ΑΡΧΙΣΑ ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΩ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά, κατάλαβα σε πόσο δύσκολη θέση ερχόταν κάποιος με το να του επιβάλλω τις επιθυμίες μου, παρότι ήξερα ότι ούτε ήταν κατάλληλη η στιγμή ούτε ο άνθρωπος ήταν έτοιμος, ακόμα κι αν αυτός ο άνθρωπος ήμουν εγώ.
Σήμερα ξέρω ότι αυτό το λέμε Αυτοεκτίμηση.
OΤΑΝ ΑΡΧΙΣΑ ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΩ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά, έπαψα να λαχταρώ μια άλλη ζωή και μπόρεσα να δω ότι τα πάντα γύρω μου με προκαλούσαν να μεγαλώσω.
Σήμερα ξέρω ότι αυτό το λέμε Ωριμότητα.
OTΑΝ ΑΡΧΙΣΑ ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΩ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά, κατάλαβα ότι βρίσκομαι πάντα και σε όλες τις περιστάσεις, την κατάλληλη στιγμή και στο σωστό μέρος και ότι όλα όσα γίνονται είναι σωστά. Από τότε κατάφερα να γαληνέψω.
Σήμερα ξέρω ότι αυτό το λέμε Αποδοχή.
ΟΤΑΝ ΑΡΧΙΣΑ ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΩ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά, έπαψα να στερούμαι τον ελεύθερο χρόνο μου και σταμάτησα να κάνω μεγαλόπνοα σχέδια για το μέλλον. Σήμερα κάνω μόνο ό,τι με ευχαριστεί και με γεμίζει χαρά, ό,τι αγαπώ και κάνει την καρδιά μου να γελά, με τον δικό μου τρόπο και στους δικούς μου ρυθμούς.
Σήμερα ξέρω ότι αυτό το λέμε Ειλικρίνεια.
OΤΑΝ ΑΡΧΙΣΑ ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΩ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά, απελευθερώθηκα από ό,τι δεν ήταν υγιές για μένα. Από φαγητά, άτομα, πράγματα, καταστάσεις και από ό,τι με τραβούσε συνεχώς μακριά από τον ίδιο μου τον εαυτό. Στην αρχή το ονόμαζα «υγιή εγωισμό».
Αλλά σήμερα ξέρω ότι είναι Αυταγάπη.
ΟΤΑΝ ΑΡΧΙΣΑ ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΩ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά, έπαψα να θέλω να έχω πάντα δίκιο. Έτσι έσφαλλα πολύ λιγότερο.
Σήμερα κατάλαβα ότι αυτό το λέμε Απλότητα.
OΤΑΝ ΑΡΧΙΣΑ ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΩ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά, αρνήθηκα να συνεχίσω να ζω στο παρελθόν και να ανησυχώ για το μέλλον μου. Τώρα ζω περισσότερο τη στιγμή όπου όλα συμβαίνουν.
Έτσι σήμερα ζω την κάθε μέρα και αυτό το λέω Πληρότητα.
OΤΑΝ ΑΡΧΙΣΑ ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΩ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά, συνειδητοποίησα ότι η σκέψη μου μπορεί να με κάνει μίζερο και άρρωστο. Όταν όμως επικαλέστηκα τις δυνάμεις της καρδιάς μου, η λογική απέκτησε έναν πολύτιμο σύντροφο.
Αυτή τη σχέση την ονομάζω σήμερα σοφία (της καρδιάς).
ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΛΟΓΟΣ ΝΑ ΦΟΒΟΜΑΣΤΕ τις αντιπαραθέσεις, τις συγκρούσεις και τα προβλήματα με τον εαυτό μας και τους άλλους γιατί καμιά φορά ακόμα και τα άστρα εκρήγνυνται και δημιουργούνται νέοι Γαλαξίες.
Σήμερα ξέρω ότι αυτό είναι η Ζωή.
Το «Όταν άρχισα να αγαπώ τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά» είναι μέρος του ομότιτλου βιβλίου της Kim McMillan. Ξεκίνησε από την Kim ως μια συλλογή αγάπης και σοφίας που μοιράστηκε με τους φίλους της. Μετά τον θάνατό της, η κόρη της Alison συνέχισε να εξαπλώνει τα γραπτά της. Το βιβλίο έγινε μπεστ σέλερ στις ΗΠΑ.
[Πηγή: www.doctv.gr]
[Πηγή: www.doctv.gr]
As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.
As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.
As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.
As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.
As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.
As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.
As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.
We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!
Almost every word of this text resonates with me. I find it very special and very wise.
I never thought that I’d be writing a post based on Charlie Chaplin, but I am. I’ve been very surprised to find that he’s said and written some impressive stuff.
Firstly, I found some text (poem?) that he supposedly wrote on his 70th birthday, although there is some disagreement about this and some people say [this turned out to be so wrong – see the comments at the bottom] that it was actually a translation of text from the book “When I Loved Myself Enough” by Kim & Alison McMillen. I don’t really care what the origin of this text is, I found it very poignant and moving for me.
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